Title: Denys Cowan signing for The Question #37 (BLACKEST NIGHT) & Milestone Forever #1
Location: Collector’s Paradise
Description: Meet legendary artist Denys Cowan, known for his amazing run on The Question, as well as co-creator of Milestone Media, and many of their characters. Denys has worked on many of the most popular comics, including Black Panther, Detective Comics, Superman, Deathlok, Hardware and much more, including Brian Wood’s amazing Fight for Tomorrow mini-series. He’s also done a lot of work in Animation on Boondocks, Static Shock and Black Panther animated series.
Denys returns to comics with the title he’s most known for, The Question. The one-shot issue returns the original Question, Vik Sage, and is written by Greg Rucka (Detective Comics, Stumptown).
Also on the same day, DC & Milestone release part 1 of 2 of Milestone Forever, a mini series that reveals the final fate of each of Milestone’s launch characters in a bittersweet tale that chronicles the literal end of a universe and the birth of something new, with major consequences for the future of the DC Universe. Many of the original Milestone creators are doing work in this book, including Denys who gets to close the book on Hardware, a character he co-created.
Start Time: 04:00 pm
Date: 2010-02-03
End Time: 08:00 pm