BOOM! Studios, in partnership with Electric Shepherd Productions, proudly announced that worldwide best-selling sci-fi writer Philip K. Dick’s award-winning DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF ELECTRIC SHEEP? is coming to comics on July 15th. BOOM! Studios also revealed that Richard Starkings’ Comicraft has committed to letter the entire series, tackling BOOM! Studios bold experiment of taking the entire novel and fully illustrating it.

“Anyone who’s been paying attention to ELEPHANTMEN knows I have a special place in my heart for BLADE RUNNER and Philip K. Dick,” said Richard Starkings. “I read DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF ELECTRIC SHEEP? when I was a teenager and have been working my way through Dick’s novels ever since. It’s really nice to be involved with the comic book. ‘Nice’ is English for ‘Awesome,’ by the way.”

This wednesday, from 5pm to 8pm, you can meet Richard and get your copy of the regular OR EXCLUSIVE version of the comic book (500 made, exclusive to our store, logo on the front) signed.


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91306 818-999-9455
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